Follow Friends of the Soup Kitchen




With God’s help, we will feed the hungry of Yamhill County, treat our guests with the dignity and ​love that we would a guest in our own home, and provide others the opportunity to serve.

Five ways you can help

The Soup Kitchen is under the umbrella of St. Barnabas Episcopal Parish and its 501(c)3 status and the church is its principal sponsor. However, without the offerings of time, talent and treasure from individuals and businesses in the community and grants, we could not continue to fulfill our mission to feed the hungry.

Without time, talent and treasure from the community,
we could not continue our mission to feed the hungry.


Sign up individually or as a group to help with meal preparation and/or serve dinner guests.

Fresh, local produce, from farmers in the local community, like this ​bounty of corn, pears and tomatoes from Draper Farms, ​make it possible to prepare nutritious homecooked ​meals.

Sponsor a fundraiser.

If this is something your group or business would like to do, please contact the Rev. Cathy Clark at for more information.

Donate food–in bulk.

We serve restaurant-style meals from an ever-changing menu of delicious and nutritious food and appreciate donations from local farmers and businesses that help us do that. Please note, because we are a food ministry, rather than a food bank or pantry, we can only accept food donations in a quantity that can be used to prepare a dish that will serve 60-100 dinner guests.

Support us financially.

The only paid staff is the kitchen operations manager. Our biggest expense is buying groceries. And with the cost of groceries as of late, now more than ever, we need your financial support.

Follow Friends of The Soup Kitchen on Facebook and Instagram.

And lastly, but every bit as important, you can help us get the word out about The Soup Kitchen to potential donors and volunteers by following Friends of the Soup Kitchen and inviting others to do the same!

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